Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Ayn Rand in the context of Indian Medical Education Business

This was a mail sent by 

Prof. Suptendra Nath Sarbadhikari, MBBS, PhD 

Project Director, Centre for Health Informatics,

National Health Portal:

NIHFW, Munirka,
New Delhi 110067


while responding to attacks on Doctors in Maharashtra. 

From Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. Dr. Hendricks, the Neurosurgeon on why he quit being a Neurosurgeon...

"I quit when medicine was placed under State control, some years ago,” said Dr. Hendricks. “Do you know what it takes to perform a brain operation? Do you know the kind of skill it demands, and the years of passionate, merciless, excruciating devotion that go to acquire that skill? That was what I would not place at the disposal of men whose sole qualification to rule me was their capacity to spout the fraudulent generalities that got them elected to the privilege of enforcing their wishes at the point of a gun. I would not let them dictate the purpose for which my years of study had been spent, or the conditions of my work, or my choice of patients, or the amount of my reward. I observed that in all the discussions that preceded the enslavement of medicine, men discussed everything – except the desires of the doctors. Men considered only the ‘welfare’ of the patients, with no thought for those who were to provide it. That a doctor should have any right, desire or choice in the matter was regarded as irrelevant selfishness; his is not to choose, they said, only ‘to serve.’ That a man who’s willing to work under compulsion is too dangerous a brute to entrust with a job in the stockyards – never occurred to those who proposed to help the sick by making life impossible for the healthy. I have often wondered at the smugness with which people assert their right to enslave me, to control my work, to force my will, to violate my conscience, to stifle my mind – yet what is it that they expect to depend on, when they lie on an operating table under my hands? Their moral code has taught them to believe that it is safe to rely on the virtue of their victims. Well, that is the virtue I have withdrawn. Let them discover the kind of doctors that their system will now produce. Let them discover, in their operating rooms and hospital wards, that it is not safe to place their lives in the hands of a man whose life they have throttled. It is not safe, if he is the sort of a man who resents it – and still less safe, if he is the sort who doesn’t."

See how relevant the above words are in the context of Indian Medical Education Business Industry.

Monday, 27 March 2017

POLITY Vs BUREAUCRACY ruined and continuing to ruin Indian Medical Education. What is the role of JUDICIARY?


Something similar is going on in Indian Medical Education for over a decade. Politicians come and go, BABUS stay on and on. And no matter how much a POLITICIAN wants to serve the SOCIETY, a BUREACRAT will decide HOW MUCH OF SUCH SERVICE will reach SOCIETY.
Under present Government, under Honbl Pradhan Mantri Modi ji, it appears that POLITY is sincerely trying to uplift STANDARDS, but is meeting RELUCTANCE FROM BUREAUCRACY. 
This thought process is because NO GROUND LEVEL ISSUES PLAGUING INDIAN MEDICAL EDUCATION STANDARDS have been addressed CONCRETELY. THE SAME BABUS in the SAME STATUTORY BODIES are continuing their roles of PRIESTS as a FIRST and often ONLY POINT of CONTACT.

In Indian Medical Education Business, one name is very famous, that is, Dr. Ketan Desai, the President, World Medical Association (WMA) and former President of Medical Council of India (MCI). Every Agent and Ghost Faculty (names in my blogs on PKDIMS), every mushrooming Medical College owner and Principals/ Directors/ Deans and other College Management Official and even a particular MCI inspector, with whom I have interacted over last 15 years have only one name, in their nightmares too, that of Ketan Desai. According to every stakeholder involved in establishment of Medical Colleges, Ketan Desai still runs MCI by proxy via a huge network of Middlemen. Those Colleges who are established for over a decade and those Colleges who do not prefer this Middlemen Business, suffer from arbitrary Assessments and harassments in some form or other. Medical Colleges that pay the numerous MIDDLEMEN manage to pull off seemingly impossible Inspections, but after atleast 3 Inspections, inclusive of Compliance Verifications. And if such multiple Inspections do not throw up a pleasing report, the final order comes from an Honbl. Court, to allow a Medical College to admit Students inspite of various deficiencies pointed out in MCI Assessment reports. Next year the same drama of year round MCI Inspections for a college and final order from court. So here too a nexus operates. And everyone earns in between.

If data of those Colleges, in existence over 10 years, but facing every possible obstacle starting from MCI Inspections to Student Admissions since 2011, after Ketan Desai's release from Jail, are collated and perused, the story will be clear. Every single one of them unwilling to have a truck with the Cabal, are suffering since 2011.

And one group of people are really enjoying this CATFIGHTS over the cake, the LAWYERS/ ADVOCATES who represent these mutually inclusive parties. How many of them are following Hon'ble Pradhan Mantriji vision on elimination of BLACK MONEY and are taking their FEES in DOCUMENTED WHITE MONEY? An Income Tax investigation into every single Lawyer who has handled these cases over the last 5 years is enough to atleast uncover the tip of the iceberg. So much water has flown down the bridge making it impossible to punish those wrongs, that have become part and parcel of Indian Medical Education Business System, and by extension reveal the deep rooted malaise that has stained India's fabric.

Instead of commenting and making noise about DOCTORS' income, the other Societal pillars of DEMOCRACY must first introspect and clean their own dirt. In fact TEACHERS and DOCTORS must be exempt from Income Tax. A TEACHER trains the HUMAN RESOURCES to serve the NATION with DIGNITY and INTEGRITY. A DOCTOR makes sure the NATION stays HEALTHY. The INCOME from a LIFESAVING PROCEDURE in the middle of the night should not be TAXED from a SURGEON, and similarly with all specialities.

Recent Honbl. SC's comments show that judiciary is trying to do something.

But then the spectre of BRIBERY has reached the august chair of the Chief Justice of India (CJI) as per the news report of CNN below, simply reminding one of a certain Altamas Kabir and his Volte- Face on NEET on the last day of his Office.

My blogs on PKDIMS will explain the cycle. Assessment reports of P K Das Institute of Medical Sciences, Kerala, in the Information link on will add to the context.

How then does Ketan Desai manage? Who protects him? It is said that undisclosed crores are donated to political parties before Elections. He has the status of a Legend, among his peers, and is said to be like Harshad Mehta and many more, of Indian Medical Education. He has everyone in his pockets and knows how to manipulate the System.

Please check out Ketan Desai's wiki page.

Please check out this blog on a British Medical Journal (BMJ) editorial.

Please see the role of Indian Medical Association (IMA) in all this.

Please see the relationship between the Attorney General of India and the Indian Medical Association (IMA) President and thus by extension, to the great Ketan Desai.

How far the campaign against Ketan Desai is true, I do not know and I am not bothered. What is bothering is, how come no concrete steps are visible, from any Regulatory body, to address ground level issues affecting Indian Medical Faculty.


See my communications with Medical Council of India (MCI) and Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW). The Additional P.S to HFM, Shri. O. P. Sharma ji replied that Ministry is looking into the matter of FRAUDS committed by PKDIMS/ NGI during MCI Inspections. Note the date - 31/03/2016. No action taken.

From: D Datta <>
Date: 5 mai 2016 22:51:18 UTC+05:30
To: "" <>, "" <>, "" <>
Cc: "" <>, "" <>, "" <>
Show quoted text
Hide quoted text
Respected Officials

May I please know the status of 'suitable consideration and necessary action' against PKDIMS and its Principal, Palakkad, Kerala? It is a clear case of fraud. Why, in India, does it happen that if the magnitude of a crime committed is severe, investigation and dispensation of justice is invariably at a snail's pace? And this encourages the vicious cycle of such repeated crimes against the nation.

Dr. D. Datta
MD (Anatomy)

Respected Sirs

It is for kind reminder that one month has elapsed since 29/03/2016, the day of surprise inspection at PKDIMS, Palakkad, Kerala. Are every irregularity being looked into for the amount of time taken? What action is being taken against Dr. Gopakumaran Kartha, Principal, for presenting fake faculties repeatedly?

The date 27/03/2016 mentioned in previous mail was typographical error.

Dr. D. Datta
MBBS, MD (Anatomy)

Begin forwarded message:
From: D Datta <>
Date: 8 avril 2016 17:59:25 UTC+05:30
To: "" <>
Subject: Fwd: Regarding PKDIMS, Palakkad, Kerala
From: D Datta <>
Date: 8 avril 2016 17:40:37 UTC+05:30
To: Office of Union Health Minister <>
Subject: Re: Regarding PKDIMS, Palakkad, Kerala
Respected Sir,

In continuation of my previous mails, PKDIMS, Kerala, still continues to say that MCI inspection is due by 30th April 2016 and after that the surprise inspection on 27/03/2016, MCI Inspectors did not file their report. Why did they not file their report? 
What must be understood by MCI is that Dr. Gopakumaran Kartha, Principal, PKDIMS, Palakkad, Kerala, has repeatedly signed hundreds of fake declaration forms and has misled the authorities. What action is being taken by MCI against him and PKDIMS? He has been saying that adequate setting with crores has been done in Delhi and PKDIMS will escape any action against it.

Dr. D. Datta
MBBS, MD (Anatomy)

On 31 mars 2016, at 09:48, Office of Union Health Minister <> wrote:
Dear Sir,
The Office of Health & Family Welfare Minister has received the trailing mail as below. The same is being forwarded for suitable consideration and necessary action. The action taken in this regard may be informed to the sender of the mail as well as to this office.

O.P. Sharma
Addl. P S to HFM
Office of Union Health Minister
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Government of India
New Delhi-110011
Tel : 23061661
Fax : 23063024

-------- Original Message --------
From: D Datta <>
Date: Mar 30, 2016 6:19:00 AM
Subject: Regarding PKDIMS, Palakkad, Kerala
To: "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>

Respected Sirs,
In continuation of my previous mails from ddatta16@, I wish to bring to your notice that it is claimed by the college authorities of P K Das Institute of Medical Sciences (PKDIMS), Palakkad, Kerala, that the MCI inspection conducted yesterday, ie 27/03/2016, was null and void because they are claiming that MCI itself has a rule that Inspections cannot be held within two days before and after holidays for national or state festivals. In this case they are claiming that the inspection was within 2 days after Easter Sunday. Today they have again intimated Doctors that MCI Inspection will be conducted by 30th April ie 30/04/2016. Please clarify whether the inspection was null and void and in that case why did MCI conduct this inspection within 2 days of Easter? Was it to let the college off the hook by giving them an excuse to win a legal point in local High Court and thus admit students for 2016- 2017 batch, just like WA 1879/2015 in Kerala High Court? Or was it time given to let the college get ready with fake faculty and patients and forged paper work? Is it because MCI wants to avoid applying clause 8 (3)(1) d of 'Establishment of Medical College Rules' on PKDIMS?
Does the MCI realize that because of agents and false faculties, the life of real, full time, honest, hard working and tax paying regular faculties is hell? They cannot plan family functions or outings, they can't plan marriage, they can't plan a family life; basically they are under house arrest. And this is on top of unequal pay, work and service conditions. Pay is credited anytime after 10th of a month and almost upto 25th of a month and in many institutes the salary is usually delayed by a month to three months. And in most of the colleges, the exit clauses are horrific including the process of relieving and receipt of relieving order. Now, is the MCI unaware of all this? Or is it the simple excuse of MCI that such issues are between employer and employee. In that case how can MCI insist on adherence to Minimum Standard Requirements (MSR) for grant of permission to start colleges and admit students? MCI must realise that a guarantee Minimum Service Conditions (MSC) and not creating a dichotomy between MSC and MSR is the only solution to this scourge that is eating into standards of medical education? Or is the rot so deeper and the pockets more deeper that there appears no solution in sight? Being a Registered Medical Practitioner as per MCI rules and owing allegiance to the ethical considerations enshrined in both, the constitution of MCI and of this great nation, being a honest, hard working, tax paying, full time regular medical faculty and being one of those votaries responsible for the landslide change of government in 2014 on the promise of cleaning up the Augean stables, I feel I am entitled to seek the above clarifications as well necessary action from MCI to curb such frauds of medical colleges generating tonnes of black money.

Dr. D. Datta
MBBS, MD (Anatomy)

All this dirt has now reached the corridors of the highest Temple of Indian Judiciary, the Hon'ble Supreme Court (SC) of India and the doorsteps of the Chief Justice of India (CJI). Please see the link below.

Through all this, is NATIONALISATION of Indian Medical Education an answer? Please go through this.

What should be the direction of reforms in Indian Medical Education?

1. Uniformity in Indian Medical Faculty Parameters

2. Reversal of Indian Medical Faculty Numbers which were drastically reduced.



And the entire story is here

Saturday, 25 March 2017

The PKDIMS/ NGI example - What happens if you complain to HIGHEST AUTHORITIES and the story of a REPEAT OFFENDER - Chairman, NGI

Moles will make sure the Complainant is harassed and punished. The Complainee continues his METHODS OF FOOLING AROUND WITH THE SYSTEM.

@CMOKerala @PMOIndia @BJP4India @BJPLive @narendramodi ji tis is bcos of moles in the OFFICES of HIGHEST AUTHORITIES


See the stories evolve

The curious case of Kerala’s Jishnu Pranoy suicide and its political ramifications

Jishnu suicide case
Police forcibly removing Mahija from the road in front of DGP’s office on April 5. (Photo: Grist media)
Updated: Apr 15, 2017 17:24 IST
By Naveen Nair
The Malappuram bypoll is the first electoral test for the LDF government since it came to power in Kerala last year. And the tragic death of an 18-year-old student shows all signs of affecting the poll outcome.
On April 8th, the Kerala government put out a newspaper advertisement justifying the use of violence against the mother of the 18-year-old who had allegedly committed suicide. Apart from claiming no evidence of police “high handedness”, the ad also promised an efficient and impartial handling of the case.
The mother Mahija from Kozhikode in north Kerala and her teenaged daughter had been fasting since April 5th demanding justice for their son and sibling Jishnu Pranoy who they allege was murdered. They then called off the fast four days later.
Jishnu, a first-year engineering student, was found dead in his college under mysterious circumstances on January 6th. The family that has been protesting since then, travelled 450 km from their village to Thiruvananthapuram on April 5th to the DGP’s office demanding justice.
Mahija says she had exhausted all other options. “I tried everything. My son did not kill himself; he was killed by someone. Eighty two days have passed without the police nabbing the culprits. I have written to the CM. What else do you expect a woman to do?”
At the time of filing this report all the accused had been arrested and subsequently let off on bail. But that an entire administration had to be pressurised into taking action because of a family’s open dissent is significant.
The only ‘concrete’ action that the police took was on the grieving family itself. Mahija, her husband Ashokan and her brother Sreejith, were dragged through the road and bundled into a police van following their peaceful protest in front of the DGP’s office. As the videos flashed across news channels in Kerala, all hell broke loose and trending topics on social media changed from #JusticeforJishnu to #JusticeforMahija.
So where did it go wrong for CM Pinarayi Vijayan and his top brass in the state police? Or was it a concerted effort to look the other way in an attempt to protect some vested interests?
The answer lies in unravelling the string of incidents that started with Jishnu’s death.
The immediate reaction by the college management was what sparked off a revolt from the students in Nehru College of Engineering and Research, a private institution in Thrissur. The early allegations were that Jishnu was caught cheating in an exam he wrote on January 6th and was reprimanded by his teachers in the evening, and that Jishnu then hanged himself in shame.
But a few classmates blew the lid off the college’s claim. Akhil Mohandas, who was close to Jishnu, was among the first to speak out. “If what the college says is true, why did they not report the matter on the same day. How come nobody from the college helped us when we wanted to rush him to the hospital?”
Mohandas’ claims were substantiated on January 10th when the college failed to provide any proof of Jishnu’s malpractice to the fact-finding team sent by the Kerala Technical University (KTU) to probe the incident.
Students across political affiliations in the college went on strike on January 10th and alleged that Jishnu had died because of torture and harassment. They did not believe that he committed suicide. Some even said that he was beaten up and hung.
This allegation gained strength when the Principal AS Varadarajan gave a testimony before a team led by the local inspector that he wasn’t sure whether Jishnu had copied, but it was the Vice-Principal Shakthivel and the Public Relations Officer SanjithViswanathan who claimed that he had.
Both Shakthivel and Vishwanathan are now the co-accused for abetting Jishnu’s suicide, along with Praveen, the invigilator.
Within a few days of Jishnu’s death, allegations against the college had turned into serious accusations when injury marks were found on his body, a claim later substantiated by the post mortem report on January 19th.
It was then that Jishnu’s family began to suspect that he might have been murdered. “From the moment I saw his body, I knew this wasn’t a suicide. He had injury marks from his feet to neck. How will there be marks on a person who hanged himself,’’ Jishnu’s uncle Sreejith told HT.
It took the reluctant police 38 days—February 13th—to file an FIR against the authorities for abetment of suicide under Section 306.
“Why did the police wait for more than a month to file an FIR? There were testimonies of Jishnu’s classmates. Who were the police trying to protecct,” asks Sreejith.
It was only in mid-February when blood stains were recovered from the college’s board room, used mainly by Vishwanathan, that the police finally gathered their wits. There were no blood stains in the bathroom where Jishnu was found. A full month later, when it was learnt that the stains matched Jishnu’s blood group, a test that typically takes a few hours, the cops launched a hunt for Vishwanathan. But by then, Vishwanathan had gone underground and applied for anticipatory bail.
The family claims that by delaying the arrest the police had deliberately given enough time for the accused to move bail, especially for the college’s all-powerful chairman and accused number one in the case, P Krishnadas, around whom the whole script now revolves.
The final nail in the coffin was an audio clip of Jishnu on the phone, and a few WhatsApp messages, which clearly showed that the boy’s questioning of the management didn’t sit well with the authorities. Both were recovered by the police from his phone after forensic analysis. Jishnu had called up SFI leaders to protest against the frequent shifting of exam dates.
The college initially decided to conduct the last semester examination a day after Christmas, so students had gone home early. Suddenly, the college decided to change the date to December 13th at short notice, which made it difficult for some students. The students protested, and the protest was led by Jishnu.
Jishnu, who comes from a middle-class family, was known to be an above average student and an activist. While doing so, he had run into trouble with the authorities, say classmates.
Though political activity is banned in Kerala’s private colleges, Jishnu, a Student Federation of India (SFI) activist since school, wanted the union to interfere. Students allege that the college had become a den for torture in trivial matters where Jishnu had raised his voice against. Students say that Jishnu had been branded a troublemaker by the management and that calling the SFI could have been the trigger.
Most private colleges in Kerala are run with an iron fist. There have been a number of reports over the last few months about strict measures on the campus. Nehru College students say there was a ‘torture room’ where students who don’t fall in line with policies were taken to task. It was the same ‘board room’ where blood stains believed to be Jishnu’s were found.
Jishnu’s family has attributed the initial police inaction to the nexus between the management and the top leadership of the ruling party. P Krishnadas, the chairman of the college, is a name synonymous with the private college sector in south India. Now the first accused, he runs a multi-crore business in the education sector. The Nehru Group of Institutions run by Krishnadas has 20 colleges, including engineering, medical, law, pharmacy, nursing and management. Nine of these are in Kerala, the rest in Tamil Nadu.
Krishnadas’ clout with the LDF government has never been in doubt. His name was most prominent when the state government in 2016 was reworking its agreement in terms of student intake and management quota fees. This year, the colleges wanted 40 percent as the minimum qualifying mark since seats were vacant; but the government stood on 55 percent. Krishnadas brokered a deal where colleges could increase the fees while sticking to 55 percent.
Krishnadas had leveraged his influence in the Kerala Self Financing Engineering College Managements’ Association regarding fee hike. Many say that while the Kerala government projected the MoU signing as taking control of the sector, the real deal involved alleged pay-offs to top politicians by Krishnadas.
“Most of us know that Krishnadas was the one who broke the stalemate between the government and the colleges. He extracted his pound of flesh now and the government turned a silent approver, says CR Neelakandan, a well-known civil rights activist in Kochi.
At one point, when the heat was on Krishnadas, 120 self-financing colleges shut shop for a day because there were rumours that an FIR would be filed against him.
Neelakandan also alleges that the political leadership in Kerala across parties is hand-in-glove with most private college managements. “Some leaders take a cut from the management, and capitation fee. When you do all that, you have no option but to protect them when they are in trouble,” adds Neelakandan.
Others allege that Krishnadas holds sway across four districts in Kerala—Kozhikode, Thrissur, Wayanad, Palakkad—by throwing in cash. “When elections are near, he pays off every political party in these areas. That is the closeness he enjoys. Who will speak up against him?” asks veteran journalist Roy Mathew.
The other accused in the case (Sanjith Vishwanathan, Sakthivel, and Praveen) are nowhere to be seen and investigators didn’t bother to trace them. Sakthivel was arrested only after the fast by Jishnu’s family.
For the government, more allegations started to emerge—about AK Balan, a minister in the present government and his wife PK Jameela, a doctor who previously served as the directorof State Government Health Services (GHS). When the allegations surrounding Jishnu’s death surfaced, a retired Jameela was the director at the PK Das Institute of Medical Sciences, another college owned by Krishnadas. Though there wasn’t enough evidence to suggest that she may have influenced the investigation in any way, Jameela’s leave of absence from February 2017 raised eyebrows and prompted questions from prominent activists and the opposition about a conflict of interest.
“I don’t think the Balans would have derailed the investigation. But then the commitment these politicians make to people like Krishnadas and even the top brass of the police is a story unto itself. So if family or friends close to Jishnu believe that there might have been some give and take, you can’t rule that out completely,” says Jayashanker, an advocate and a well-known political analyst.
That Mahija had written three letters of plea to the CM to look into Jishnu’s case and did not even get a reply speaks volumes about the nexus.
The Jishnu case is no longer just the tragedy of one family.
Already, the opposition has employed it as a political tool in the Lok Sabha. “There is no doubt the government was dancing to the tune of the college management. How do you explain the police giving so much time to the accused,” Ramesh Chennithala, leader of the opposition told media in Malappuram.
Even the BJP is not far behind. “There seems to be police raj in Kerala. They will harass an innocent family and let the culprits free. There is a complete breakdown in law and order,” BJP state chief Kummanam Rajasekaharan told HT. That the CPI(M) central leadership had to intervene to end the fast by Mahija has also hit Pinarayi Vijayan’s image.
It now remains to be seen what effect this will have on the Malappuram bypoll result. It’s a boost for the Muslim League and if the vote percentage goes up dramatically, Vijayan will have a lot of explaining to do to his party.
(Published in arrangement with GRIST Media)

Friday, 24 March 2017

PKDIMS - See how P K DAS INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, Kerala has repeatedly fooled Medical Council of India (MCI), Kerala University of Health Sciences (KUHS) and various HONBL. COURTS of LAW.

This was a mail sent to MCI on 22/03/2016

I am resending the previous mail with a sample evidence.

With reference to admission of students to PKDIMS, Palakkad, Kerala, through writ appeal WA 1879/2015 at Kerala High Court and subsequent SLP filed by MCI regarding the above matter, let me put on record that I was threatened with bodily harm and threat to life of self and family when I refused to participate forcibly in forging of fake faculty documents including fake bank accounts in Syndicate Bank, fake BSNL and then Reliance Landline numbers,  by Dr. Gopakumaran Kartha, the Principal of PKDIMS. I was subsequently forced to leave my post from PKDIMS. I wish to implead myself in the case by MCI against PKDIMS, provided I am guaranteed no further harassment by any quarter involved in these processes of misleading inspections, including management and agents. And may I also inform you that there are moles present in your offices who immediately inform the college management of such letters. Out of 306 doctors of PKDIMS shown in MCI website, more than 60% doctors were never regular faculty. For example, Dr. Amarnath Reddy, Dr. BMV Giridhar, Dr. Sunil Khale, Dr. Sonali Kataria and etc etc. If PKDIMS gets permission to admit 2016- 17 batch, it will be a gross injustice to Honbl. PM's clean image.

For example for April 2015, total number of faculty in Academic Block side, signing the attendance register are 29. Please compare the same with the corresponding fake register maintained in Department of Anatomy for April 2015, showing the total number of faculty as 15. P.K. Das Institute of Medical Sciences, Palakkad, Kerala has been misleading every regulatory authority and the Honbl. Courts of Law by forging documents, registers and all associated logistics related to clearing MCI inspections in a false manner.

Please also go through these images (source- College Assessment reports in information desk at below to see how MCI Inspectors were treated by PKDIMS. And then PKDIMS still got Permission to admit Students. See the POWER OF MONEY.

Please also go through the Wikipedia page of Nehru College​ of Engineering and Research Centre, Kerala, to see the sequence of events of systematic torture of Students in 'Torture Rooms' of Nehru Group of Institutions (NGI). These 'rooms' are interchangeably used among different colleges under NGI.

For example, one Andhra Pradesh Doctor, who had completed his MBBS from China, had come to PKDIMS to join as Junior Resident. On reaching the 7th Floor of PKDIMS hospital, the location of the Trustee Office, he found that he was needed only for MCI Inspections purposes and so on not wanting to join, he took his bags and started to leave. He was intercepted by the Chairman's henchmen and taken into the Chairman's room. I was in the adjacent board room with the staff involved in the 'paper works' related to MCI Inspections​. The sounds of slapping and manhandling the Doctor sent a shiver through all our spines. On coming out of the office, in the corridor, I could clearly see the reddened tear laden face of the Doctor. The 'Punishment for refusing to take part in the MCI Inspections' did not stop here. The poor Doctor was taken by other henchmen. Later we (the Regular Faculty) were informed that this Doctor was detained 'SOMEWHERE' for THREE WHOLE DAYS, so that HE doesn't COMPROMISE the MCI Inspection. That SOMEWHERE, which we learnt slowly, was one of the 'IDI MURIS', translating as 'TORTURE ROOMS'.

Dr D Datta
MD (Anatomy)


See the STRUGGLE of a MOTHER in losing a SON to THE PREDATORS

Krishnadas’ bail must be cancelled: Jishnu’s mother

1) @CMOKerala @narendramodi @manoramaonline wats happening? PREDATORS NEVER STOP HUNTING, FRAUDSTERS NEVER STOP FORGERY

2) @CMOKerala @narendramodi ji @manoramaonline wat P KD told on my face tat he can buy right upto Honbl SC is true

3) @CMOKerala @narendramodi ji @manoramaonline in front of me P KD slapped a DOCTOR fr refusing to b in MCI Inspection.

4) @CMOKerala @narendramodi ji @manoramaonline I was smilingly told by PKD tat if I ever went to authorities HE WUD TAKE CARE OF ME N MY FAMILY

5) @CMOKerala @narendramodi ji @BJP4Keralam @manoramaonline who wil protect us 4m tis PREDATOR?

6) @narendramodi ji @BJP4Keralam @CMOKerala @manoramaonline 1) in front of me Krishnadas threatened 2014 MBBS students

7) @narendramodi ji @BJP4Keralam @CMOKerala @manoramaonline 2) Krishnadas warned Students of dire consequences if OVERPRICED DISSECTION KITS ..

8) @narendramodi @BJP4Keralam @CMOKerala @manoramaonline 3) .. if SUCH KITS sold by PKDIMS were not bought by the 2014 MBBS STUDENTS..

9) @narendramodi ji @BJP4Keralam @CMOKerala such a REPEATER IS LET OFF?

10) @CMOKerala @narendramodi ji @manoramaonline Such a REPEAT OFFENDER has been LET OFF?

Thursday, 23 March 2017

Action must be taken against both Punjab National Bank (PNB) IFSC PUNB0432500 and Syndicate Bank IFSC SYNB0004459 for opening, operating and maintaining FALSE ACCOUNTS OF GHOST FACULTIES of PKDIMS

The initial bank accounts of GHOST FACULTIES of P K Das Institute of Medical Sciences (PKDIMS), Vaniamkulam, Ottapalam, Kerala, were maintained at Punjab National Bank (PNB), IFSC PUNB0432500, Ottapalam, Palakkad District, Kerala, in the years 2013-2015. In between in 2014, Syndicate Bank came into the picture.

1)@manoramaonline action pls @IncomeTaxIndia

2) @narendramodi ji @arunjaitley ji @FinMinIndia @IncomeTaxIndia @Synd_Bank OPEN FRAUD at SYNB0004459 by maintaining GHOST FACULTIES A/C

3) @Synd_Bank late 2014 n 2015 at SYNB0004459 ID proofs downloaded n SIGNATURES FORGED BY PKDIMS STAFF @FinMinIndia

4) @Synd_Bank The GHOST FACULTIES DOCTORS never signed their A/C opening Forms or physically came to bank. Signatures wer Forged by PKDIMS

5) @Synd_Bank Pls take action - ACCOUNTS OPENED FOR GHOST FACULTIES BY PKDIMS, VANIAMKULAM IFSC CODE SYNB0004459. @FinMinIndia @narendramodi ji

6) @mygovindia Pls look into this 👇

and this

Indian Medical Faculty promotions based on TWO PUBLICATIONS!!!

This is a mail to Faculty who are members of Google group (Health Professionals Educators) on Medical Education on 23/03/2017 (edited on 21/06/2017), in response to different discussions on Teachers Eligibility Qualifications.

Respected​ Faculty of this forum

First and foremost, MCI never has the intention to sit, talk and discuss anything with the lowest strata in Indian Medical Education hierarchy, namely the Indian Medical Faculty, who actually are the BASIC FUNCTIONAL UNITS of the system. MCI still functions in a Colonial fashion, autocratic and dictatorial. None have the rhyme or reason to improve any Educational Standards. Everything is purely Business, of IDENTITY, POWER and INVESTMENTS for COZY POST RETIREMENT LIFE.

Second, the MCI could have learnt something from the Dental Council of India (DCI) which has a very effective point system for Publications.

In addition, Faculty Promotions must be definitely based on points for every activity, ranging from number of lectures taken through practicals through seminars to number of evaluation process involved in by a Faculty, including examination processes and all administrative duties undertaken. This is so because the kind of Students one has to train these days and that too in an environment of GHOST FACULTY, definite point system for every Teaching Learning activity is a must.

Research and publications must be given weightage after first proving whether a Faculty has satisfactorily completed the ACTUAL JOB FOR WHICH APPOINTMENT WAS GIVEN, NAMELY TEACHING - LEARNING PROCESSES. How can promotion be justified by just TWO PUBLICATIONS? This is to help GHOST FACULTY who can publish infinite number of papers but do not even know to arrange the DISSECTION HALL with requisite specimens for an EXAMINATION VIVA, because they have never set foot in the department, their presence needed only for HEAD COUNT during MCI Inspections. 

Aadhar Biometrics linked OFAMOS, to eliminate Ghosts, is an eyewash. Already there are reports of FAKE AADHAAR CARDS starting from ₹ 100 onwards in the market. Why are MCI processes so Draconian and archaic?

The only way forward is formation of Indian Medical Faculty Association and litigation. No one in bureaucratic circles ever reads a single representation from us.

Dr D Datta
MD (Anatomy)

#IndianMedicalFaculty practising HIPPOCRATES' OATH not HYPOCRITES'

Twitter @ddatta16

Without even considering repeated communications on the so called FACULTY SHORTAGE, without even considering repeated reminders on need to Revert back the reduction in Faculty numbers, all MCI could do was drop more dung into the system by further juggling of 'Publications for Promotions' criteria.

Please go through the two blogs below to understand the above statement.

Instead of starting a sort of REHABILITATION process to heal Indian Medical Education, MCI goes into an Ostrich mode and dumps OFAMOS on the already hapless Indian Medical Faculty. The link below will explain.

And see how the community is responding to such irresponsibility from MCI.

Now please see the latest diktat of MCI.

Unfortunately this document is true and is to be placed in the General Body. If all these get approved then another round of Circus is in the offing.

The funny part is that now it will all be a straight dealing between bribe giver and bribe receiver. Hence indexing and impact factor does not matter for a journal. And just like Doctors who are Agents thriving in Ghost Faculty Business, numerous such Doctors run such journals. Now that Biometric Attendance is slowly disrupting the earnings from Ghost Faculty Business, a new method of earning is required and this is in the form of complete take over of journals. So again Doctors are against Doctors, and Divide and Rule policies will continue.

Please see the dynamics of mushrooming publications

Way to go, Indian Medical Education Business Industry has never been more robust and thriving.

The three 'MONKEYS' will report to 'GANDHIJI' to take Indian Medical Education Standards to newer levels.
What utter nonsense.

Promotions must be delinked from Publications. Points for every single activity of a Faculty must be sole criteria, after completion of specific duration in a Post, for promotions. Such activities include number of lectures, practicals, Dissection, Examinations and handling administration, not only for MBBS Course but also the different courses in the menu of modern day Indian Medical Colleges which is forced on a Faculty for retaining job. MCI must address such Ground Level issues instead of trying to become an indexing body for journals. Not all Monkeys are good at juggling and circus.

A PREDATOR can never give up HUNTING, A FORGER can never give up MISLEADING HABITS

1) @CMOKerala @narendramodi ji this man must not be granted bail. A PREDATOR never changes its HUNTING NATURE. 👇

2) @CMOKerala @narendramodi ji A FORGER can never give up HABIT OF MISLEADING AUTHORITIES 👇

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Aadhar Based OFAMOS - Updates

1) Adhaar cards for sale. Few 100 bucks & youve got yourself an identity @CNNnews18 @debayanahroy investigation.

Imagine the SANCTITY of OFAMOS when Aadhaar cards are for sale.......

2) @narendramodi ji this is the concern I was seeking clarification from @MoHFW_INDIA on Aadhaar based OFAMOS

3) @narendramodi ji again a reminder to @MoHFW_INDIA on Constitutional safeguards of Art 14 19 n 21 in OFAMOS.

4) Aadhar cards & other identity papers seized from Rohingya Muslims living in Jammu--shows political collaboration

5) In massive data breach, details of over a million #Aadhaar numbers published on Jharkhand govt website

6) The Aadhaar debate continues

The PKDIMS/ NGI example- Shifting of PREDATORS from Engineering Education to Medical Education business

The P K Das family, after sucking out all that they could from Engineering and Management Education business and leaving it dry, are now in the process of shifting to Indian Medical Education Business. And thanks to all categories of MIDDLEMEN, they were successful in establishing a MEDICAL COLLEGE.

It is the duty of all Regulatory and Constitutional authorities to expose the above shifting of such anti- Students and anti- Faculty minded WHITE COLLAR CRIMINALS from the Engineering Education to the Medical Education Business. Prevention is better than cure. Many such ENTREPRENEURS are in the process of such PREDATORY SHIFTS.

These Educational Institutions not only snuff out dreams, aspirations, free will, lateral thinking and morals, but also PHYSICAL LIFE of a STUDENT. And who has encouraged such radical behaviour in self made ENTREPRENEURS? Regulatory bodies like MCI. How? By REPEATEDLY ignoring complaints of large scale anti-National level irregularities in grant of Permission to admit MBBS Students at P K DAS INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (PKDIMS), thereby LEGITIMISING AND GIVING RESPECTABILITY TO SUCH CRIMINALS by converting them from being owners of Engineering Colleges to becoming owners of MEDICAL COLLEGES.

No words can express my anguish at Jishnu's mother's loss, what must she have gone through and going through every living moment of her life. Every parent prays to God that "Take my life, spare my Child's". No words or tears can express my anguish at what must have been in Jishnu's head at the last minute.

This Krishnadas is a serial OFFENDER paying his way through all obstacles. Being an advocate, he knows all the loopholes in the system. Such criminals are encouraged when Regulatory bodies, like Medical Council of India (MCI), do not act against such REPEAT FRAUDSTERS. You may think what has MCI to do with an engineering college. My blogs will explain how in the QUEST FOR MORE MONEY, such CRIMINAL ENTREPRENEURS are shifting from Engineering Education to Medical Education, but camouflaging the shifts as means to gain RESPECTABILITY. Who pays the price? THE POOR INDIAN STUDENT PAYS THE PRICE FOR COMING TO GET EDUCATED IN THE WAYWARD INDIAN HIGHER EDUCATION BUSINESS.

Such Institutions should not be allowed to exist. Remember, a PREDATOR never changes its method of HUNTING.

See the link below for more

The whole story of one such predator is below

The whole story of the mess in Indian Medical Education, which has been converted into a BUSINESS INDUSTRY, is below

Advocate Dr. P Krishna Das, Ex- Chairman, NGI and Dr. Gopakumaran Kartha, Principal, PKDIMS - One Iconic example of PERPETUATORS of CORRUPTION in Indian Medical Education.

Was it appropriate for Kerala University of Health Sciences (KUHS) to continue to have Advocate Dr. P. Krishna Das, as a Senate Member, after his anti- students stance has been labelled and publicized and based on which he is presently behind bars (and then out on bail)? Does the KUHS then advocate such anti- Students stances of its members and affiliated colleges?
Since his conviction and release on Bail, Advocate P. Krishna Das is no longer a Senate Member of KUHS. But he managed to get his work done, namely clear KUHS affiliation Inspections with flying colours.

And this Advocate P. Krishna Das has openly proclaimed on numerous occasions that he has most of the Supreme Court Judges in his Pocket. He openly threatens Students, Staff and Faculty, with a smile on his face. He has slapped a Doctor in my presence. He projects the picture of a polished Mafia Don getting things done by his goons. Please see examples of his activities.

Is it appropriate that this Advocate, P. Krishna Das, be allowed to use the term ADVOCATE and continue to Practice LAW, by the Bar Council of India?

Is it equally appropriate that Dr. Gopakumaran Kartha and other Doctors named below, be allowed to use the term DOCTOR and continue to Practice MEDICINE, by the Medical Council of India (MCI)? This Gopakumaran Kartha is Advocate P. Krishna Das' partner in perpetuating Harassment against Students. Kartha goes to the extent of entering Girls' Hostel Rooms on pretext of Inspections and then comments on the type of undergarments hanging there for drying, when he has Tea with us, his Faculty. I have had the shame of interacting with such sick people of Society, who is also the Principal of a Medical College. When asked and told by me that it is not legal to enter Girls hostel rooms, he says that it is on instruction of  NGI chairman Advocate P. Krishna Das and that this type of 'DISCIPLINE' exists in all Colleges under NGI. Can you all imagine what the Students must be going through having such people as College Authorities?

Please take time to read below to understand my above statements.

And all mails pasted below have been repeatedly brought to notice of different Regulatory Authorities including

This was a mail sent to Controller of Examinations, KUHS, on 16th April 2017, in addition to an earlier mail requesting KUHS authorities permission to present Information about Principal, PKDIMS. But I received no reply from KUHS and PKDIMS/ NGI continues fooling everybody

Mail to on 16/04/2017


The Controller of Examinations
Kerala University of Health Sciences

Respected Sir

There is only one Full Time Forensic Medicine Faculty in P K Das Institute of Medical Sciences (PKDIMS), Vaniamkulam, Ottapalam, Palakkad.

Dr. Ruia and Dr. Manoj Sinha are not full time, they are GHOST FACULTY. So these two can never be considered as INTERNAL EXAMINERS at PKDIMS. Similarly, Dr. N. Rajaram is employed at DM Wayanad Institute of Medical Sciences, Wayanad, Kerala, and can be considered as EXTERNAL EXAMINER. But even Dr. Rajaram cannot represent himself as a Faculty of PKDIMS, for PAPER EVALUATION, in lieu of Dr. Ruia and Dr. Manoj. The two INTERNALS (GHOSTS) are not in station, for personal reasons, and do not want to take part in PAPER EVALUATION, because they have not yet received their past dues ie MONEY, as a part of the PACKAGE to appear as GHOSTS for Medical Council of India (MCI) and KUHS Inspections.

So, please take steps to make sure PKDIMS does not continue to repeatedly fool every stakeholder, by de- affiliating PKDIMS from KUHS, for repeated FRAUDS, and starting the process of coordination with MCI to shift the Students and Faculty to safe places, such that their future does not suffer. Just because​ the Chairman of Nehru Group of Institutions (NGI) (under which PKDIMS is a constituent College), P Krishna Das is a senate member of KUHS does not confer any SPECIAL RIGHTS to PKDIMS to adjust everything.

Just because the Principal, PKDIMS, Gopakumaran Kartha and the Director (Operations), PKDIMS, Krishna Kumar have classmates, personal friends and Juniors in KUHS and in different Kerala Government Medical Colleges, does not mean KUHS Inspections can be FIXED every time.

My blogs on ground realities of Indian Medical Education Business, links below, will clarify the matter further.

Other blogs talk about the rot in Indian Medical Education Business.

Thank you

Dr D Datta
MD (Anatomy)

#IndianMedicalFaculty practising HIPPOCRATES' OATH not HYPOCRITES'

Twitter @ddatta16

(Opinions are mine, not my employers)

Mail to KUHS helpdesk on 13/02/2016

Respected Sirs,

I request your permission to present certain true facts with documentary evidence behind one Dr. Gopakumaran Kartha, Principal of P K Das Institute of Medical Sciences (PKDIMS). Kindly permit me the same by promising me immunity from harm from him or PKDIMS.

Yours sincerely

Dr. D. Datta
MBBS, MD (Anatomy)

Now please see the reply I receive on WhatsApp, from the above mentioned Dr. Ruia, on 22nd May 2017. So much for accountability of KUHS.

You see, this man Dr. Ruia, is himself an AGENT, supplying GHOST FACULTY to neighbouring Colleges of Kerala, notable being, Kerala Medical College of Royal Medical Trust. 

How do I know? I have had the pleasure of Dr. Ruia's company, along with Ghost Faculty, over dinner, when he used to visit PKDIMS on days of MCI Inspection. In front of me, he has run the racket over mobile, arranging Doctors from Tamil Nadu for some MCI Inspection somewhere in Kerala.


The mails sent by me to the Controller of Examinations, KUHS, today, 23rd May 2017, reminding him of the continuing FRAUD by PKDIMS, Kerala, are below.

Respected Sir,

Dr. Ruia is out of station for a long time and the Forensic Medicine clerk does not know when he will return. What is the sanctity of Examination conducted by Forensic Medicine Department of PKDIMS?


Dr D Datta
MD (Anatomy)

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: "Dr D Datta" <>

Hide quoted text

Date: 23-May-2017 15:17

Subject: Reminder about continuing FRAUD in PKDIMS, Kerala - Fwd: Regarding PKDIMS, Kerala
To: <>

Respected Sir

I again forward the mail sent to you on 16/04/2017 about Fraudulent examination processes of Forensic Medicine Department of PKDIMS, Palakkad.

Please call now, today, and find out from PKDIMS of the whereabouts of Dr. Ruia.

I did the same and no one in PKDIMS knows his whereabouts.

Whereas yesterday evening 22/05/2017, I get a WhatsApp message from Dr. Ruia, that Forensic Examination results were great.

Is there any accountability and credibility of exam processes left?

Dr D Datta
MD (Anatomy)

See, what the Director (Operations), PKDIMS, Dr. R. C. Krishna Kumar, sends me on WhatsApp, on 4th June 2017. This is a News Clip of a Malayalam Newspaper, saying PKDIMS has got Permission to admit MBBS Students for the next batch.

And then see this, how wonderfully the process gets eased out for PKDIMS.

Please see this MCI Advisory to potential Students with a list of colleges not permitted/ partially permitted (reduced seats) to admit Students for Academic sessions from 2017- 18, some for one session, some for two sessions 2018- 19. Again here PKDIMS is missing from the list but DM Wayanad Institute of Medical Sciences, Kerala, has not been permitted, whereas DM WIMS is more than a 1000 times eligible in comparison to PKDIMS. And these facts with evidence have been repeatedly brought to every Authorities' notice, but still gross irregularities continue.

The advisory is posted in the old MCI website.

My tweets to authorities, on this list of colleges not permitted, can be seen below.

And see as of 25th October 2017, 9 months after Jishnu's murder, how Krishnadas still is scot free on bail. Guess how many palms he has GREASED. So much INDIAN EDUCATION, and that too after a group of Institutions named after NEHRU chacha.

This is the latest of Nehru Group's continuing Human Rights violations.

CBI has finally accepted to probe this group after lots of hesitation.

Is CORRUPTION really going to be tackled on an urgent basis? What compels my Hon'ble Pradhan Mantriji to restrain action on such continuing irregularities, when one of the Mantras of New India is supposed to be zero tolerance to CORRUPTION?

The interplay between the various cahoots is explained below.

Please see the thread of Communications with PKDIMS, summarised and resent as mail to Gopakumaran Kartha, Principal PKDIMS, on 27/10/2017. This was followed by mails on 01/11/2017. It can be clearly seen how Gopakumaran Kartha continues FRAUD and CORRUPTION. Dr. Ruia never joined PKDIMS on 13/10/2014 as Professor and Head of Forensic Medicine Department. He never stayed in Flat No 127, Doctors Apartments, PKDIMS Campus. He was never ever a FACULTY in PKDIMS to have been presented, by Gopakumaran Kartha, to the MCI Assessors in January 2015 and again in January 2017. The University Professional Exams in Forensic Medicine at PKDIMS, in 2017, was a FARCE since there was no Professor and Head in Forensic Medicine Department and examination was conducted FRAUDULENTLY. How do I know? I was a Faculty at PKDIMS from January 2014 to December 2015. I was in Flat No 117, Doctors Apartments, PKDIMS Campus, two floors below the Flat No 127, FRAUDULENTLY shown to have been occupied by Dr  Ruia. And MCI Assessors have ACCEPTED this Dr. Ruia, presented by Gopakumaran Kartha, as a PROFESSOR and HEAD of Forensic Medicine Department, PKDIMS!!!

All relevant documents are attached, towards the end of the blog, as PROOF of Gopakumaran Kartha's Continuing CORRUPTION.

My series of mails to Gopakumaran Kartha on 01/11/2017

Dr Gopakumaran Kartha

I had just called up PKDIMS Forensic Medicine Department and was informed by the clerk (lady) there that Dr. Ruia is not a regular Faculty there and comes for Inspections only and Dr. Rajaram is the HoD. Whereas in MCI website you have shown Dr. Ruia has the Professor and Head of Forensic Medicine at PKDIMS as residing at Flat No 127, Doctors Apartments, PKDIMS Campus. Again you are FOOLING THE ENTIRE SYSTEM. And you are delaying my DUES and COMPENSATION.


Dr D Datta
MD (Anatomy)

>> Honorary National Advisor
(Anatomy Speciality) QME:

 Twitter (@ddatta16):
Check out Dr D Datta 🇮🇳 (@ddatta16):

 blogs on rot in Indian Medical Education Business at:

 (Opinions are mine, not my employers and does not reflect on them)

2nd Mail on 01/11/2017

Dr Gopakumaran Kartha

The date of joining of Dr. Ruia, as shown in MCI website as13/10/2014, is absolutely FRAUDULENT. I was a Faculty at PKDIMS then, as Assistant Professor in Anatomy, and Dr. Ruia had never joined as Professor and Head of Forensic Medicine.
Consequently all of Dr. Ruia's appearances in front of MCI Assessors in January 2015 and now in January 2017, and all Declaration Forms signed by you are simply FRAUDULENT.

And when I call your office to enquire about my DUES and COMPENSATION from PKDIMS, I am informed by your staff that either you are on leave or you are in a meeting. Right after today's call to PKDIMS Forensic Medicine Department, I had called your office and was informed you are in a meeting.

How long will you continue this charade of hoodwinking the System and denying me my DUES?

Please see all the attachments to know how people like you have EXPLOITED the System at the cost of Genuine, Full Time, Regular, Tax Paying and Honest Indian Medical Faculty.


Dr D Datta
MD (Anatomy)

3rd Mail on 01/11/2017

Dr Gopakumaran Kartha

There is one error in my Claims Calculation, in Point 1 b) of Earned Leave (EL) calculation, where Date of Relieving is to be read as 26th December 2015 and not 26th January 2015 as mentioned. Error is Regretted.

And since out of 9 days remaining EL only half ie 4.5 days get carried forward, the total days of EL to be paid for by PKDIMS is 14 days. The amount then is Rs. 43,862/-. Hence an amount of Rs. 14098/- may be lessened from the final calculation.

Dr. D. Datta
MD (Anatomy)

Repost of all past mails to Gopakumaran Kartha, sent on 27/10/2017.


Dr. Gopakumaran Kartha, 
P. K. Das Institute of Medical Sciences (PKDIMS)
Palakkad District

Let me repost my previous mails to you to remind you that you as the Principal of PKDIMS you are responsible for denying me my DUES and at the same time continuing to perpetuate FRAUD by the likes of Dr. Shishir Ruia as Forensic Medicine Professor and Head and have even gone to the extent of conducting University (KUHS) Examinations FRAUDULENTLY. The amount of BRIBES you must have paid to various people to continue to perpetuate FRAUD is an example of the largest single point SCAM in Indian Medical Education. It is because of people like you that Indian Medical faculty are suffering and are denied their respectful dues. You are responsible for denigrating the RESPECT and INTEGRITY of this Profession. Your ex- chairman, P. Krishna Das is out on bail in the Jishnu Prannoy Murder case and the Supreme Court has pulled up the Kerala Government for the tardy pace of investigation over the last 9 months. Kerala University of Health Sciences (KUHS), is another mute spectator. The registrar of Travancore- Cochin Medical Council (TCMC), did not respond to my mail.
The mail cursing you and your seven generations for the amount of mental torture and financial loss incurred because of your acts of commission and omission is missing from my sent box, but it stands.
Please note that my mail with the claims calculation was sent in February 2016 and one and half years have elapsed since. Hence you may add the interest at normal banking rates to the claimed amount.
Please go through the blog below and all links within to understand how you have been managing to hoodwink the system for last 3 years despite Shri. Narendra Modi ji's drive against CORRUPTION.


Thank you
Dr. D. Datta
MD (Anatomy)

I. My first mail of 27/01/2016

Dr Gopakumaran Kartha

On the occasion of Republic Day I lament that as long as educated parasites and vultures like you are in charge of higher education, India can never truly be a democratic republic.
Please read through every line below very carefully because this is a legal document. As you know, every document from me goes as a copy to my lawyer, I have mentioned this to you personally many times in the past.
It is an open fact in PKDIMS, that you chased me out because I saw through your devious nature and refused to take part in back door money making activities like tuitions in Thrissur. From that time you have pestered me and mentally tortured me in some form or the other, like asking me to do Sunday duties in Casualty, go for medical camps on Sundays - both the above activities without any compensation, refusing accommodation for Assistant Professors in the Doctors' Apartments but giving me one after I informed you before MCI LOP inspection that I am quitting, then cutting a disproportionate rent for the accommodation inspite of promising me free fully furnished accommodation and then creating an impression that you are doing me a favor by paying me back the rent amount in cash (3 months of that money from June 2015 to August 2015 is still pending), deliberately forcing the Doctors to keep a post paid BSNL (under Government of India) SIM for MCI address proof purposes and cutting the monthly rental for it even if the SIM was not being used and at the same time telling me discreetly that my phone is tapped by PKDIMS, it being an open fact that hundreds of such SIMs were procured by the grace of Saritha whose husband was a previous employee of BSNL and such SIMs were used for providing false address proofs for ghost faculties many of whom never even signed the BSNL application forms, such signatures being forged by Princy (who is no longer in service) and Saritha, deducting an abnormal electricity charges without producing any receipt containing the opening and closing meter reading of the KSEB inspite of requesting PKDIMS by an application for the same, forcing a Reliance broadband landline again for MCI address proof and again deducting monthly rental for it inspite of not using it, creating innumerable occasions of drama by interfering in the academic routine of Anatomy whereas allowing Thrissur vehicle to arrive between 915 to 925 am everyday and this inspite of the fact that MCI guidelines clearly state that a faculty of a medical college must stay within 30km radius of the college and none of you and your higher and lower rank coterie stay within the stipulated radius of 30km, for signing hundreds of false declarations and documents for misleading the MCI but blaming me that I leaked information to the MCI and thus creating bad blood between me and the management of PKDIMS, for conducting KUHS inspection exactly on the date when you knew that I will be out of state for attending to family rituals because KUHS inspectors were your friends and the inspection was stage managed and last but not the least, opening multiple fictitious bank accounts in Syndicate Bank, a bank with Government of India undertaking, in the name of ghost faculties for false crediting and debiting salaries, thereby defrauding two government entities namely BSNL and Syndicate Bank and presently defrauding Reliance and as a whole defrauding KUHS, MCI and MoHFW, in short the nation. Thus you have created mental harassment in a honest person.
For not attending the stage managed KUHS inspection on 19th October 2015, I was asked to look for an alternate employment. And this was inspite of the fact that I had personally begged at your feet that I had an important personal family event in Kolkata (about 2500 kms from Palakkad) on 19th. Such an amount of mental torture you have caused me and my family. And this sudden displacement combined with mental torture and harassment of moving such long distances has caused severe economic, health and mental crisis, so much so that my wife is threatening to commit suicide. And then I will be under judicial process for dowry death. I would never have written such a letter to you, but when I heard the unfortunate suicide of Dr. MG Deepak's (Associate Professor of Community Medicine) wife, I could no longer keep shut. Dr. Deepak was personally brought in by you to PKDIMS and appointed by your persistent efforts because of his excellent scholastic and field background. Look at what you have done to him, destroyed his career and life. You exacerbated his medical condition by applying irrational amounts of mental pressure, causing flare ups in his marital life and see the result. Just to cover up all dirty activities involved in misleading MCI inspections you have forced honest, hardworking, tax paying and academically excellent faculties to become cabbages by imposing draconian measures on their personal liberties thus affecting their family life too. You have been deliberately and systematically destroying faculty with excellent academic background so that no one pose a challenge to your own circuitous background. No wonder Dr. Dinu ran off at the first opportunity.
Till today I have never gone to any authorities including MCI with any details of irregularities at PKDIMS. Even then I was made accused by you and your coterie including Dr Venugopal, in front of the management of PKDIMS, who have always treated me like a family member. But the saying rings true that even if God grants the prayers, the priest interprets and dispenses it.
But enough is enough, after what happened in Dr Deepak's life, I want to take no chances.
I give you 48 hours to compensate me for the following losses. And here I mention that if any harm occurs to me or my family you and PKDIMS are squarely responsible. And if God forbid, my wife does any harm to herself, I will be forced to take anticipatory relief from authorities with copy of this mail.
1. Weekly offs mentioned in my appointment order were not allowed to be taken by me except 2nd Saturday and that too was cancelled in December 2016. Sunday is a closed holiday and not a weekly off. Dr Nandagopal, HoD of Anatomy is allowed 2 week offs other than Sunday and many others come beyond 9am everyday regularly, thus compensating their week offs. So from my date of joining compensate me for all the week offs not taken.
2. Retrospectively applying probation on me without mentioning it in my appointment order and thus depriving me of eligible Earned Leaves (ELs) and pending ELs (according to national norms for my grade pay and not according to how you fiddle around with them according to your whims and fancies), compensate me for the unused ELs from date of joining.
3. BSNL post paid rentals deducted from me only because I too become a statistic along with hundreds of ghost faculties, for address proof for MCI inspection purposes. Compensate the same from date of joining.
4. Abnormal Electricity charges deducted from me without providing me copies of meter readings.
5. 3 months disproportionate rent of June 2015 to August 2015 forcibly deducted from me.
6. There might be many instances where my signature has been forged for various purposes, by seasoned practitioners of the art of forgery under your service. Compensate me appropriately for the same.

I have nothing more to say.

Dr. D. Datta
MBBS, MD (Anatomy)

II. Mail of 27/01/2016

In addition I also have to be compensated for two things

1. Before joining I was assured by the PKDIMS management, during my interview that salary is paid on 3rd of every month. After joining I found out that salary disbursal is on 10th of every month and in some months, beyond 10th. So I lost the interest every month because interest rates in banks are on a daily balance basis. According to my grade pay, being a class 1 officer and paying all my taxes on time, I am entitled to receive salary on last working day of previous month, if not on 1st of succeeding month atleast. Compensate me the interest between 1st to 10th of every month of all salaries received from my date of joining.

2. My relieving date was on 26th December 2016. The final settlement of my salary was completed on 14th January 2016, inspite of the fact that all no dues clearances from various sections were completed on 26th December 2015. Compensate me the interest due to the delay.

Dr. D. Datta

MBBS, MD (Anatomy)

III. Continuation Mail of 27/01/2016

In continuation of my previous mails, I add the following points for furthering my need for compensation

1. You have not done me any favor by agreeing to relieve me with 10 days notice and not claiming 3 months salary. That is because you chased me out and of course everyone in PKDIMS knows that. Since you literally chased me out, you owe me 3 months salary. Because ghost faculties like Dr. Sonali, Dr. Gore Sangita as Assistant Professors in Anatomy received 5 lakhs as payment for 2 days appearance for MCI inspections. Whereas even after being asked to quit on 29th October 2015, I appeared in the MCI inspections on 4th n 5th November 2015, out of my professional respect for PKDIMS, and thus I jeopardized my further appearing in any other institute. Hence, ideally you must compensate me with an year's salary. Since I am not greedy, I will settle for 3 months salary arrears. This is in addition to my previous claims in the previous mails. You are quite aware of how many more lakhs were paid to multiple Agents like Shivanand, Shreedhar, Noble George , Ajay to name a few, and Ghost faculties (even from abroad) for purpose of appearing for MCI inspections, thus misleading them. The costs towards these ends were extracted from honest, regular, hardworking, tax paying faculties like me.

2. You have forced me and other regular full time faculties to sign multiple attendance registers, some fake and some true, and made a mockery of the biometric attendance system. Compensate me for misusing my signature

Dr. D. Datta

MBBS, MD (Anatomy)

IV. Continuation mail of 27/01/2016

In continuation of my previous mails, I add the following points

Please remember you have grossly misrepresented facts to the Honbl. Kerala High Court and the Honbl. Supreme Court and thus misled them by perjury.

So I conclude by giving you 2 (two) working days to compensate me adequately for all the mental harassment caused to me and my family, as mentioned in my previous mails. My bank account in Syndicate Bank, Vanismkulam branch at PKDIMS campus is active. The compensation may be deposited as arrears in WHITE, for which I will be paying taxes to the Government. I am not one of those who generate Crores of BLACK MONEY like the mushrooming medical colleges in the private sector in this country.

Dr. D. Datta

MBBS, MD (Anatomy)

V. Mail of 29/01/2017

This is to remind you that I will take this struggle to whatever extent legally possible with all concerned authorities and regulatory bodies. You have not only misled all competent authorities but also are playing with the future career of 2015 batch MBBS students, because their admission is only through a court order (which was in any case obtained by misleading the Honbl. High Court of Kerala by providing fraudulent information and forged documents). Their future career vis a vis MCI registration is at stake.

To sweep all such fraudulent matters under the carpet, you have diverted the regular full time faculties attention by keeping them on their toes, you have made the life of faculties a living hell by imposing draconian measures. You have not maintained any respect for any medical professional except if they are your puppets.

Because of the quantum of mental harassment faced by me and my wife due to your whimsical attitude of disrupting a medical facility's life, my family life is on the brink of breaking down. And the most important reason for this is the financial disruption caused by your actions of suddenly asking me to quit my job and look for an alternative. Unless I am compensated adequately, I will not spare any steps to get justice.

And my time is running out to prevent my family from breaking down or being disrupted. And may I remind you, that anywhere in India at any point in future if me or any of my family members so much as even get a scratch on their body, only you and PKDIMS are responsible.

Dr. D. Datta

MBBS, MD (Anatomy)

VI. Thread of mails from 06/02/2016 to 08/02/2016, with a reply from you on 08/02/2016

From: D Datta <>

Date: 8 février 2016 18:19:44 UTC+05:30

To: PKDIMS Principal <>

Subject: Re: Regarding my previous mails to you claiming compensation

And my letters speak facts, not threats. Quite unlike threats of some form of harm, by managements of private colleges, that you have from time to time enlightened us faculties in the past.

Dr. D. Datta

MBBS, MD (Anatomy)

On 8 févr. 2016, at 15:28, PKDIMS Principal <> wrote:

This is in response to your threatening mail repeatedly received in my official email ID. Each mail has been forwarded to the concerned authority like Director (Operations) and Chairman and Managing Trustee who are the appointing authority. Contents of each mail have been discussed with my superior authority the Chairman and Managing Trustee and Director (Operations) in this regard. The Chairman and Managing Trustee wants to have a personal discussion about your demands. I am only an academic head in a self financing institutions and I want to point out that I can’t get involved in any of the financial matters as per the conditions put forward in my appointment order from Chairman and Managing Trustee.

On Sat, Feb 6, 2016 at 12:29 PM, D Datta <> wrote:

Dr. Gopakumaran Kartha

Your studied silence, over one week, on my previous mails only goes to prove that each of the points raised by me are authentic. Hence I am moving ahead with necessary procedures to expose the fraud committed with your consent as the Principal of PKDIMS, in the conduct of successive MCI Inspections starting with LoP to the two LoRs and in misleading the students and their parents in addition to a galaxy of regulatory authorities.

As you may be aware that the MCI has finally heard the appeal of the Society of Clinical Anatomists, in which I am a core committee member handling communications with authorities. In its minutes of the Post Graduate Committee, MCI has once again revived the status of Pre and Para Clinical subjects by reintroducing incentives to attract faculties in view of Government of India's decision to increase 10000 MBBS seats from next academic year. Hence my communications to the appropriate authorities with documented proofs on how I and other faculty have been coerced to participate in fraud and then mistreated by you, will be processed appropriately.

Dr. D. Datta

MBBS, MD (Anatomy)

VII. Continuation Mail of 08/02/2016

And there is nothing to discuss personally. Everyone knows who projected me as a villain to the management for no fault of mine. Everyone knows how someone's shoulder is used to fire your bullets. So please take up the responsibility of compensating me suitably for all the trauma you put me through.

Dr. D. Datta

MBBS, MD (Anatomy)

VIII. Continuation Mail of 08/02/2016

About being an Academic Head in a self financing institution, does your appointment order state that you have to sign hundreds of false declaration forms of ghost faculties to mislead the MCI and KUHS during the Inspections? An Academic Head of a Medical College should have the highest levels of ethics embedded in his/ her mental framework and should guide the managements in right direction by virtue of his/ her own reputation and the reputation of a Doctor, and not allow the medical faculties to be treated as cattle. Or are you going to tell the Regulatory Authorities that you were forced to sign such false documents at gunpoint to your head? This was your response to us, regular faculties, when we used to ask you during discussions while preparing for inspections, what will we your reaction if caught by any authority.

And at the point of sounding repetitive, even if God wanted to grant wishes, the priest would invariably interpret it to his own advantage or misrepresent it to the masses and create bad blood. Many representations were sent to you from the faculty of PKDIMS in the past about improvement of working and service conditions. You have personally disagreed with many management policies in front of the faculties and then sung a different tune in meetings in front of the management. Ask any faculty in PKDIMS, except your coterie, on what image they have of you.

I have nothing personal against the management of PKDIMS, they have always treated me as a family member. It is your role in all this that is unexplained.

Medical Faculty in the country need to be treated professionally, they are producing tomorrows' Doctors. Faculty too are humans with families and a position in society, contributing to the wellness of humanity and in nation building. Maltreatment of Medical Faculty has to stop. And colleges like PKDIMS are the best example on where to start this process of rectification. This is where your role as an Academic Head should have taken precedence; no Academic Head should shun away from protecting his/ her faculty. Did you live up to that role of a mentor and protector of your faculty or where you an behind the scene instigator and perpetrator of maltreatment of your faculty? Or do you function as a protector only for your hand picked coterie?

I have a family and a position in society, you have disrupted many things. And as my family life threatens to break, my patience is also wearing thin.

Dr. D. Datta

MBBS, MD (Anatomy)

IX. Mail of 11/02/2016

Dr. Gopakumaran Kartha

The statement in your reply to me that you are not involved in financial matters of PKDIMS is not entirely true because when you declared my probation along with the probations of three others in January 2015, it was you who signed the document mentioning our increments.

In this context, salary increment promised to me at the time of interview was 10% every completed year, PKDIMS being a new unestablished college in a rural setup with complete spectrum of MCI and KUHS inspections to be faced and every department to be set up from scratch and most of us faculties had left our jobs, comfort zone and security of our states. But increment added was 4.44%.

To help you in arriving at an amount to compensate me, I have attached the calculations. The amount quoted is less than 1/20th of the amount over rwo years benefitting Sridhar, Shivananda, Noble, Ajay, Dr. BMV Giridhar, Dr. Madhumita, Dr. Sunil Kale, Dr. Sulladmath etc etc etc to just name a few, not to mention greasing of palms in the corridors of Delhi's offices and the amount spent in misleading various Honbl. Courts, spent by PKDIMS on creating and propagating a massive fraud to mislead the nation. And you are the signatory in every DOCUMENT.

1. ELs - Probation was added later, was not mentioned in appointment order. Hence my contention stands. And after I had availed my first installment of ELs in October 2015, number of ELs were suddenly trimmed as another measure of subjugating faculties.

2. WOs - Sunday is not a weekly off. It isn't mentioned so in the hundreds of pages of Attendance Registers in PKDIMS. WOs were withheld from us Junior Level Faculty (JLF) on the pretext on impending Inspections through the year (whereas during the same period you were on vacation, you missed an MCI inspection, if you remember). There are many examples of Senior Faculties availing multiple WOs in a week other than Sunday.

3. Increment was promised and not delivered. In many interactions with you, it was clear that you felt that JLF were paid more than you received when you were a JLF. So to earn brownie points from the management you orchestrated an increment belittling professionals working under conditions of insecurity over the future of inspections and permissions.

4. Well, when VAT (Value Added Tax) is collected by the Government right after having a masala dosa in a restaurant, how do you justify paying the salary on or after 10th of every month? Honest people have EMIs (Equated Monthly Installments) to pay various banks for various products bought by them. Why should Doctors be shamed because their employer does not pay them on time? The amount quoted in calculation no. 4 should have had two more zeroes suffixed to it.

5. You suddenly stop the only bread winner supporting dependents like aged parents and a spouse undergoing education and in the process if constructing residence to house a family. What will be the amount of trauma undergone by all who depend on the breadwinner?

6. I am from JIPMER, Pondicherry. Need I say more?

7. By causing a break in my experience period in this dog eat dog MEDICAL EDUCATION BUSINESS, I am forced to lose my seniority.

And Your reply to me did not refute a single point raised by me over a series of mails. Instead you clearly mentioned that the management of PKDIMS wants to discuss financial matters with me directly. And I politely declined because neither are they at fault, nor am I; the only parties at fault are those who misguided the management, for which neither I and the faculties nor my beloved students should bear the trauma.


Dr D Datta

MD (Anatomy)

X. Continuation Mail of 11/02/2016

And I have not even added an amount to compensate the mental and emotional harassment caused to me and my family because of being suddenly chased out of a job from an highly educated state that I wanted to settle in. The amount then would have been three times the one calculated.

Dr. D. Datta

MBBS, MD (Anatomy)

XI. Mail on 13/03/2017 after more than a year to Mr. Murali, Accounts Manager, after my mails were blocked by you, Gopakumaran Kartha.

Dear Mr Murali Sir,

Greetings on occasion of Holi. This mail is to remind you that over a year has passed and I am yet to receive the amount claimed by me in my mail dated 11/02/16. The Principal has not rejected the claim and had mailed that Management and Chairman would discuss the financial settlement with me. Since the Chairman is now out on bail, and since I had received fair amounts of threats from the Principal on behalf of management, to me and family, including death threats, physical harm and harm to career, the last few threats coming directly polished from Mr. Krishna Das' smiling visage, that he can take care of me and my family wherever in India or abroad if I approached authorities for enlightening frauds and forgery associated with every MCI Inspections, I am not in a position to talk to anyone in PKDIMS and Nehru Group management.

And since Jishnu Prannoy's untimely Institutional murder, I have compiled enough material of such instances of harassment of Students by the management and PRO of Nehru Group in reference to Samsung Tablets, Dissection Kits, etc etc to name just a few. I will be filing a separate case of intimidation leading to my sudden exit from PKDIMS, wherein to escape from the threats of Physical harm, I was forced to submit a false resignation notice and run from PKDIMS to save my life and my family.

I forward below mails of February 2016, between me and Principal, PKDIMS regarding my claims and settlement.

I request you to kindly consider the gravity of losses caused to me by PKDIMS' fraudulent and intimidating approach to Higher Education in India.

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